About the Artist


He created the first festival of lights in Chartres, France in 2002, where he was the only artist and artistic director for ten years. In 2010, he was invited by the Mexican government to commemorate with his work on the bicentenary of independence and the centenary of the Mexican Revolution in seven emblematic cities in the country. Later, 2012 marked his work with the grand opening of the Grand Museum of Maya World in Merida Yucatan, Mexico with his founding piece “Yuca’ma’yab” about the Mayan’s history.
His talent into giving amazing content to his works, his lyrical graphic design and shivering movements, using slow motion and images vibrations as a leitmotiv, mixing abstraction, narration and music in a very personal way are composed and projected with his video. His research for a new style of painting through this contemporary graphical mean, his knowledge of theatrical space and his experience as a painter make him one of the most in-demand French video artist in the world.
For more information, please visit his website.