29th Annual San Fernando’s Health & Safety Fair

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2022 Health Fair Is On!
It was 20+ years ago that Fr. Virgil Elizondo called a group of health professionals together to plan the first Fair. We are very happy to be able to continue providing you with health screenings, information, and followup referrals to health service providers.
We could not offer these services without the participation of more than 400 dedicated volunteers. These doctors, nurses, other health specialists, community volunteers, and students generously offer their time, medical skills, and experience to provide today’s services. The Executive Committee chaired by Dr. Daniel Juarez worked year-round to plan the Fair and make sure that all the screening services are available.
We are grateful to our sponsors. Our sponsors provide the funds we need to offer these services at no cost to you. Please review the Sponsors listed in this Program and thank them for their support.
Please ask any volunteer you see wearing the Health Fair Tshirts or Doctor wearing the Blue Polo Shirts if you have any questions or need assistance in finding a screening station.
As former Archbishop Flores says, “you don’t buy your health, you preserve it.” The Fair is set up to help you “preserve” your health by providing screenings for many different illnesses from diabetes to cancer.
Early detection of a serious illness can mean the difference in saving your life Thank you for giving us the opportunity to help you preserve your most precious gift: Your Health.
Donations made on behalf of Dr. Jose Benavides can be
mailed to:
San Fernando Cathedral Health & Safety Fair,
231 W. Commerce
San Antonio, TX 78205